Visitors Insurance

Best Visitors Insurance

Best Visitors Insurance

What is the best visitors insurance plan?

That is a question many customers ask us.

Healthcare in United States is very expensive. Therefore, most people whose relatives are visiting the USA buy the visitors insurance. However, there are many choices available in the market for visitors insurance. Therefore, often the customers ask the question to us: What is the best visitors insurance in the USA?

Well, there is no simple answer to that as it is really subjective regarding how to measure the best health insurance in the USA for foreigners among many visitors insurance plans available in the U.S. itself.

Are you looking for best visitors insurance in terms of price or in terms of coverage? Of course, there is no such thing as best visitors insurance both in terms of price and coverage. You can't expect the low priced visitors insurance to provide the best coverage. And you can't expect the best coverage plan to be cheapest either. The same visitors insurance plan may not be the most suitable plan for all circumstances.

In such a scenario, how do you decide which one is the best visitors insurance? This guide attempts to help make the determination. It describes various visitors insurance plans so that you can decide which one is the best for you.

There are primarily two types of visitors insurance plans:

  • Fixed: Cheaper, limited coverage plans
  • Comprehensive: More expensive, much better plans

For more information about Visitors Insurance Types, read the article below.

If you are considering a fixed plan:

There are multiple plans, from multiple providers available; while two plans may seem similar there is a useful tool called Fast Compare. Fast Compare highlights the differences between any two visitors plans fast.

Every plan has a "How Plan Works" page, please read it for any plan you're considering as this page has very important information to help you understand how a limited benefit plan works before you purchase.

Most fixed coverage plans have a deductible that is once per accident/illness; this means if a person needs to see a doctor for two different incidents, e.i. the flu and a fall, even if these visits are just days apart two separate deductibles will have to be met. The period of coverage is the maximum duration that a plan can be purchased. If the plan is purchased for a duration less than the maximum duration and extended, the same deductible applies; after the maximum duration has been reached the plan can be renewed and the deductible would start over.

The majority of fixed coverage plans do not participate in a PPO network; this means there are no negotiated fees or contracted rates. There are no price regulations regarding what a reasonable charge should be; therefore providers can charge whatever they want to – you can avoid this by going with a plan that has a PPO network. Safe Travels Elite is the only fixed coverage plan that uses a PPO network, which means you will get network negotiated fees for eligible expenses.

If you are considering a comprehensive plan:

There are many great plans to choose from in the comprehensive category. Consider the following, after you pay the deductible once, Atlas America covers 100% up to the policy maximum. For persons below 80 years of age, Atlas America covers up to overall policy maximum in acute onset of pre-existing conditions. Therefore, for anyone looking for coverage of acute onset of pre-existing conditions, Atlas America is an excellent choice.

Once the deductible is paid to cover the entire policy period, Beacon America covers 100% of the eligible medical expenses within the PPO network. Beacon America will cover acute onset of a pre-existing condition for participating members under the age of 70 up to $150,000 if a policy maximum is chosen of $550,000 or $1,100,000, or will cover up to $50,000 if a policy maximum is chosen of $60,000, $75,000, $110,000 or $200,000. Beacon America also provides additional benefits, such as trip interruption, emergency medical evacuation and home country coverage.

We hope that this will give you a good idea for choosing the best visitors insurance for parents visiting the USA, the best health insurance for B2 visa holders, or whatever your particular situation is. 

You can compare different visitors insurance plans side by side on this web site and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

*Note: Network negotiated fees (or contracted rates) apply only to eligible medical expenses.